CAD Basic Viva Questions


A. What is CAD?

CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design. It is a technology that uses computer systems to create, modify, analyze, or optimize designs.

B. What are the different types of CAD software?

There are several CAD software available, including:




Siemens NX

Creo Parametric

Autodesk Inventor

C. What are the basic components of a CAD system?

The basic components of a CAD system include:

Hardware: Computer, monitor, input devices (keyboard, mouse), and output devices (printer, plotter).

Software: CAD software program that provides design tools and functionalities.

Data: Geometric and non-geometric information about the design.

User Interface: Graphical user interface (GUI) for interaction with the CAD system.

1. What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software program developed by Autodesk. It is widely used in various industries, including mechanical engineering, for creating 2D and 3D designs.

2. What are the different versions of AutoCAD available?

AutoCAD offers different versions or variants for specific purposes. Some commonly used versions include:

- AutoCAD LT: A simplified version primarily used for 2D drafting.

- AutoCAD Mechanical: Specifically designed for mechanical engineering, it includes tools and libraries for mechanical design and drafting.

- AutoCAD Architecture: Designed for architectural drafting and documentation.

- AutoCAD Electrical: Focused on electrical design and drafting tasks.

3. What are the basic components of the AutoCAD user interface?

The basic components of the AutoCAD user interface include:

- Menu bar: Contains a list of menus for accessing various commands and functions.

- Toolbars: Provide quick access to frequently used commands and tools.

- Command window: Displays the command line where users can enter commands and options.

- Drawing area: The main working area where drawings and designs are created.

- Status bar: Displays information about the current status of the drawing and provides access to certain settings.

4. How do you create a new drawing in AutoCAD?

To create a new drawing in AutoCAD, you can follow these steps:

- Launch AutoCAD and select the "New" option from the "File" menu.

- Choose a template or specify the drawing settings such as units, dimensions, and scales.

- Click on the "OK" button to create a new drawing.

5. What are the different file formats used by AutoCAD for saving drawings?

AutoCAD supports various file formats for saving drawings, including:

- DWG (drawing): The native file format used by AutoCAD for saving 2D and 3D drawings.

- DXF (drawing interchange format): A file format that allows the exchange of drawings between different CAD software applications.

- DWF (design web format): A format used for sharing and publishing 2D and 3D design data.

6. How can you modify objects in AutoCAD?

AutoCAD provides several tools and commands to modify objects in a drawing. Some common modification commands include:

- Move: Moves objects from one location to another.

- Copy: Creates a copy of selected objects.

- Rotate: Rotates objects around a specified point.

- Scale: Changes the size of selected objects uniformly.

- Trim: Trims or removes the parts of objects that intersect with other objects.

7. How do you zoom in and out in AutoCAD?

There are multiple ways to zoom in and out in AutoCAD, including:

- Using the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out.

- Typing "ZOOM" in the command line and selecting the desired option (e.g., "Zoom In," "Zoom Out").

- Using the "Zoom" tool in the toolbar or "Zoom" commands from the "View" menu.

8. What is the purpose of layers in AutoCAD?

Layers in AutoCAD are used to organize and manage different objects in a drawing. They help control the visibility, color, linetype, and other properties of objects. Layers allow you to group related objects together and control their properties collectively.

9. How do you select objects in AutoCAD?

To select objects in AutoCAD, you can use various methods, including:

- Clicking on individual objects with the mouse.

- Creating a window or crossing selection by dragging the mouse to encompass the desired objects.

- Using selection commands such as "Select All," "Select Similar," or "Select by Properties" from the "Edit" menu.

10. How do you save a drawing in AutoCAD?

To save a drawing in AutoCAD, you can use the "Save" command or click on the diskette icon in the toolbar. You will be prompted to provide a file name and location to save the drawing.

11. How do you create a line in AutoCAD?

To create a line in AutoCAD, you can use the "Line" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Line" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the start point of the line by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Specify the endpoint of the line by clicking on another location in the drawing area.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish the line.

12. How do you create a circle in AutoCAD?

To create a circle in AutoCAD, you can use the "Circle" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Circle" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the center point of the circle by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Specify the radius of the circle by entering a value or clicking on another location in the drawing area.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish the circle.

13. How do you create a dimension in AutoCAD?

To create a dimension in AutoCAD, you can use the "Dimension" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Dimension" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the objects you want to dimension.

- Specify the location for the dimension line by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish the dimension.

14. How do you create a block in AutoCAD?

To create a block in AutoCAD, you can use the "Block" command or follow these steps:

- Select the objects you want to include in the block.

- Type "Block" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify a base point for the block by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Provide a name for the block and specify other options such as scale and rotation.

- Press Enter or right-click to create the block.

15. How do you insert a block in AutoCAD?

To insert a block in AutoCAD, you can use the "Insert" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Insert" in the command line and press Enter.

- Browse or specify the path to the block file (DWG or DXF) you want to insert.

- Specify the insertion point by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Adjust the scale, rotation, and other properties if needed.

- Press Enter or right-click to insert the block.

16. How do you create a hatch pattern in AutoCAD?

To create a hatch pattern in AutoCAD, you can use the "Hatch" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Hatch" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the boundaries or objects you want to fill with the hatch.

- Specify the hatch pattern and other options in the Hatch Creation tab of the Hatch and Gradient dialog box.

- Preview and adjust the settings as needed.

- Click "OK" to apply the hatch pattern.

17. How do you change the properties of an object in AutoCAD?

To change the properties of an object in AutoCAD, you can use the "Properties" command or follow these steps:

- Select the object whose properties you want to change.

- Type "Properties" in the command line and press Enter.

- The Properties palette will appear, allowing you to modify various properties such as layer, color, linetype, and lineweight.

- Make the desired changes and click outside the palette to apply the new properties.

18. How do you use the "Mirror" command in AutoCAD?

The "Mirror" command in AutoCAD allows you to create a mirror image of selected objects. To use the "Mirror" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Mirror" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the objects you want to mirror.

- Specify the first and second points of the mirror line by clicking on the desired locations in the drawing area.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish the mirror operation.

19. How do you create a text in AutoCAD?

To create text in AutoCAD, you can use the "Text" command or follow these steps:

- Type "Text" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the insertion point for the text by clicking on the desired location in the drawing area.

- Enter the text you want to create.

- Specify the text height, rotation angle, and other properties in the Text Formatting toolbar or Text Editor palette.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish creating the text.

20. How do you use the "Offset" command in AutoCAD?

The "Offset" command in AutoCAD allows you to create a parallel copy of a selected object at a specified distance. To use the "Offset" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Offset" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the object you want to offset.

- Specify the distance for the offset by entering a value or clicking on a point in the drawing area.

- Select the side of the object where you want to create the offset.

- Press Enter or right-click to finish the offset operation.

21. How do you use the "Array" command in AutoCAD?

The "Array" command in AutoCAD allows you to create multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular or polar pattern. To use the "Array" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Array" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the objects you want to array.

- Specify the type of array (rectangular or polar) and provide the necessary parameters such as the number of rows, columns, distance, and angle.

- Preview the array and adjust the settings as needed.

- Press Enter or right-click to create the array.

22. How do you use the "Trim" command in AutoCAD?

The "Trim" command in AutoCAD allows you to remove or trim parts of objects that intersect with other objects. To use the "Trim" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Trim" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the cutting edges or objects that will define the boundary for trimming.

- Select the objects you want to trim.

- Press Enter or right-click to complete the trimming operation.

23. How do you use the "Extend" command in AutoCAD?

The "Extend" command in AutoCAD allows you to extend the boundaries of objects to meet other objects. To use the "Extend" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Extend" in the command line and press Enter.

- Select the boundary objects that will be extended.

- Select the objects you want to extend.

- Press Enter or right-click to complete the extension operation.

24. How do you use the "Polar Tracking" feature in AutoCAD?

The "Polar Tracking" feature in AutoCAD allows you to create lines or objects at specific angles relative to a reference point. To use the "Polar Tracking" feature, follow these steps:

- Activate the "Polar Tracking" feature by clicking on the "Polar Tracking" button in the status bar or by typing "PolarTracking" in the command line.

- Specify the desired angle by moving the cursor along the polar tracking angles displayed in the drawing area.

- Click to create the line or object at the desired angle.

25. How do you use the "

Fillet" command in AutoCAD?

The "Fillet" command in AutoCAD allows you to create a rounded corner between two intersecting lines or objects. To use the "Fillet" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Fillet" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the radius of the fillet by entering a value or clicking on a point in the drawing area.

- Select the first object or line.

- Select the second object or line.

- Press Enter or right-click to create the fillet.

26. How do you use the "Chamfer" command in AutoCAD?

The "Chamfer" command in AutoCAD allows you to create an angled corner between two intersecting lines or objects. To use the "Chamfer" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Chamfer" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the distance for the chamfer by entering a value or clicking on a point in the drawing area.

- Select the first object or line.

- Select the second object or line.

- Press Enter or right-click to create the chamfer.

27. How do you use the "Explode" command in AutoCAD?

The "Explode" command in AutoCAD allows you to break a block or a complex object into its component parts. To use the "Explode" command, follow these steps:

- Select the block or complex object you want to explode.

- Type "Explode" in the command line and press Enter.

- Press Enter or right-click to complete the explode operation.

28. How do you use the "Layer" command in AutoCAD?

The "Layer" command in AutoCAD allows you to create, modify, and manage layers in a drawing. To use the "Layer" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Layer" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the desired layer-related operation, such as creating a new layer, modifying the properties of a layer, or changing the current layer.

- Follow the prompts and options provided by the "Layer" command to complete the desired operation.

29. How do you use the "Measure" command in AutoCAD?

The "Measure" command in AutoCAD allows you to measure distances, angles, areas, and other geometric properties of objects in a drawing. To use the "Measure" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Measure" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the desired measurement operation, such as measuring distances or calculating areas.

- Follow the prompts and options provided by the "Measure" command to perform the desired measurement.

30. How do you use the "Plot" command in AutoCAD?

The "Plot" command in AutoCAD allows you to generate a physical or digital output of your drawing on a plotter, printer, or as a digital file. To use the "Plot" command, follow these steps:

- Type "Plot" in the command line and press Enter.

- Specify the desired plotter or printer configuration, or select a digital file format for the output.

- Adjust the plot settings, such as paper size, scale, orientation, and plot style.

- Preview the plot or print setup and make any necessary adjustments.

- Click "OK" or select the appropriate option to proceed with the plotting or printing operation.
